For this, people gathered at noon in front of the Bundestag. Later, the demonstration procession moved through the Berlin government district. With slogans and creative signs, socially just and decisive climate protection was demanded from politicians. It was a very lively protest that embodied a great spirit of new beginnings. Overall, it is wonderful to see how many people come together to stand up for more and better climate protection.
Global climate strike on September 24, 2021
- Julian Fertl
September 24, 2021, marked another significant date. Under the slogan “Another world is possible!” Fridays For Future, the largest youth movement in Germany, called for a global strike day. They were supported by various societal alliances. We from the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung were also on the streets and demonstrated in Berlin with around 100,000 people in favour of change and climate justice.

September 24, 2021, marked another significant date. Under the slogan “Another world is possible!” Fridays For Future, the largest youth movement in Germany, called for a global strike day. They were supported by various societal alliances. We from the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung were also on the streets and demonstrated in Berlin with around 100,000 people in favour of change and climate justice.