
A group of nature enthusiasts spent a great day with fantastic weather in a unique natural setting. Read more about the great NABU trip...
The team from the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung visited the Fischbeck Abbey in Hessisch Oldendorf, Lower Saxony, on the weekend of the 9th to 11th...
Our two federal volunteers Clara and Axel visited Lena and Philipp Adler's organic farm "Good Food Syndicate" near Fürstenberg/Havel in March 2023. There they...
The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung spent a fantastic day doing wilderness tracking in the Grunewald forest. You can read here about the positive effects of...
Where do cheerful moods, creative ideas and visionary products come together? Of course, at the Environmental Festival at the Brandenburg Gate, where we as...
Peacefully but loudly, an incredible crowd of around 100,000 people appealed to politicians for more climate justice. This can only be the global climate...
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