Political Commitment
In addition to the direct funding of projects, the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung also supports political initiatives aimed at improving or maintaining our environmental conditions. Through our educational work on social media, we try to raise public awareness on environmental policy issues. These activities aim to influence political processes, decisions, or laws.
Many of the local effects caused by climate change, such as increased heat waves and droughts, heavy rainfall and flooding, storms and their consequences, can be combated or mitigated by local measures, but unfortunately this does not eliminate the actual causes. Global measures are needed at the level of the international community in order to put an end to the overexploitation of our planet and initiate a sustainable use of our resources. Political commitment in a democracy is essential in order to raise awareness at state and government level and initiate change.
The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung is therefore also active in influencing political decisions and developments in environmental protection:
Participation in demonstrations
By participating in demonstrations, rallies, marches and protests, we support selected issues in order to achieve environmental policy changes.
Support for initiatives/environmental protection organisations
The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung supports selected initiatives/organisations to combat environmental issues or problems and exert political pressure for change.
Support for citizens’ initiatives/petitions
In order to initiate and implement measures at local level in particular, we also support selected organisations/initiatives that pursue environmental policy objectives through citizens’ initiatives or petitions.
Participation in legal measures
It regularly happens that companies/institutions do not observe existing legal regulations or interpret them in their own favour, thereby causing (often considerable) damage to the environment. In order to prevent such behaviour, it is often sensible and necessary to take legal action and enforce a court decision by means of a lawsuit or a preliminary injunction. Such legal activities are usually costly and time-consuming. The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung participates in selected proceedings and provides financial support to the relevant organisations.
Public relations and social media
Through our public relations and social media activities, we inform people and try to initiate discussions in order to draw attention to important environmental issues.
In general, we try to express our political commitment through various activities and influence political decisions and developments on environmental protection issues.