About us
Daniel Schlegel
Franziska Geyer
Samed Halilovic
Mona Hille
Member of the Management Board
Daniel Schlegel
Franziska Geyer
Samed Halilovic
Board of Trustees
Svane Bender
Daniela Wannemacher
Genetic engineering expert at BUND
Julian Fertl
Katya Zhuravleva
Riccarda Ries
Ella Straubinger
Karen Kravchenko
Mateja Topic
Kevin Smyth
Justin Hufnagel
Victoria Drews
Max Dzikonski
HR & IT administration
Our mission
Main focus in the foundation
Striving for harmonious coexistence of humans, animals and plants on our planet
Observation and evaluation of current developments in the field of environmental protection
Regular exchange with other environmental and nature conservation organisations
Responsible and targeted use of the foundation's capital
Reducing the negative impacts on the environment caused by climate change
Selection and implementation of effective measures for efficient environmental protection
Support of nature conservation, landscape maintenance, environmental protection, education, science and research.
Measures that serve the protection and reforestation of forests while simultaneously combating economically motivated logging (unless it serves to avert danger).
Strengthening alternative energy resources, such as wind power, hydropower and solar energy (as well as raising awareness in the population).
Building closer relations to the forest in all generations through adventurous forest tours or action days, children's birthday parties in the forest, weekends and family Sundays spent in the forest.
Promoting scientific research of forest threats from drought, storms, extreme temperatures, forest fires, monocultures and widespread deforestation.
Supporting NGOs in the creation and protection of virgin forests and biodiverse mixed forests.
Sustainable strategies in the areas of eco-farming and agriculture that's close to nature.
Promoting measures that improve the carbon footprint in the areas of energy, tourism, agriculture, consumption, transport, waste, business and private households.
Biodiversity, protecting species and sheltered forest areas for animals.
Partner organisations
Supporting GermanZero in its environmental policy work.
Support of the judicial enforcement measures for clean air.
"Gemeingut Amazonien" for the protection of the rainforest in Peru.
Tree planting and vegetable garden at the Delta Cultura education centre.
Through its climate lottery, ClimaClic gGmbH supports our agroforestry projects in Germany. With this support, a first agroforestry system was implemented last autumn in the Oderbruch region on the Basta farm.
Renaturation of the Lower Havel and reforestation in Rwanda with the NABU Stiftung International.
The Deutsche Postcode Lotterie makes our agroforestry project in Schleswig-Holstein possible in 2025. It has also made it possible to realize our wilderness tracking project at Berlin schools in 2022-2023.
Support for the "Demokratie von unten" campaign for more climate protection.
We value organic and fair food from regional production and are a shareholder.
Promotion of the lawsuit against the Datteln 4 hard coal-fired power plant.
Green avenues and spot reforestation against air pollution in the industrial city of Lukavac.
Reforestation of mountain forests in the Southern Carpathians of Romania.
Berlin Reklame donated 15 tree signs made of oak scraps for our Berlin city trees.
Planting of five willows on the playground at Hochmeisterplatz.
We see the need for referendums at the federal level and share the conviction of Abstimmung21 100%.
City trees on Cosimaplatz and Rheinstraße.
We bet that.. the Klimawette can activate 1 million people to save at least 1 million tonnes of CO2 by the next World Climate Conference in Glasgow. Together we can reach the 1.5 degree target. Do you take the bet!? We have already donated (10 tons CO2-savings to cooking facilities and clean drinking water projects in Rwanda.
Promised! If the climate bet reaches the target of 1 million tonnes of CO2-savings, we add the amount we have already donated (10 tons CO2-savings) on top. The money is to be used for a biogas plant in Nepal.
Sustainability & Ethics
Working materials and hosting
Our laptops and monitors are recycled equipment from AfB gemeinnützige GmbH in Berlin. With Raidboxes, we have a secure and climate-positive WordPress hosting. Their data centres are located in Germany and are DSGVO compliant. They guarantee to run on green electricity from hydropower and they also plant a tree for every WordPress site hosted.
Bank Accounts
All of the foundation's bank accounts are at the GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG. With them, we share our social, ethic and ecological standards. It is highly important to us that even side issue like banking are realised sustainably, and that financial investment in any taboo sector is strictly excluded.
Rental houses
The rental houses owned by the foundation are mainly renovated to be energy efficient and use eco-electricity and eco-gas from Greenpeace. To find out more about our ethical principles in renting these homes, click here.
Constitution & Annual Documentation
Transparency is essential. Hence, you can download our constitution and all documentation here.