Enabled tree plantings
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For a liveable future


Agroforestry projects and forest conservation

With agroforestry projects and forest protection measures, we ensure the preservation of important ecosystems. Whether here in Germany, in Europe or elsewhere in the world, we are actively committed to the protection and reforestation of woodlands.

The implementation of agroforestry is extremely important to us, which is why we have forged a strong link with the Triebwerk planning office and are jointly offering co-financing for agroforestry projects with a non-profit background. You can download the information sheet here.


Connection with nature and environmental protection

Through educationally-guided wilderness tracking, we aim to enhance children’s understanding of nature while fostering their roles as friends and protectors of the environment. Our goal is to sensitize them to environmental protection and promote sustainable behaviour. This contributes to reducing the amount of plastic waste, cigarette butts, and other waste entering the environment, thereby protecting nature.


Environmental policy projects

We provide financial support for environmental policy projects carried out by public institutions and NGOs in the field of nature conservation.

Our goals

Think and act holistically: Our projects focus on the interconnectedness of nature, people, and animals. Through evidence-based scientific analysis, practical solutions, and fostering collaboration, we’re committed to protecting global biodiversity, combating climate change, and preserving the Earth for future generations.

Preserve biodiversity

Committed to protecting global diversity and preserving natural habitats.

CO2 reduction

Practical measures for the fight against climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Preserving the earth for future generations

Promoting cooperation between people and institutions.

Our projects

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Agroforestry projects

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung successfully implements agroforestry projects by focusing on organic-certified farms in Germany that have less than 100 hectares of agricultural land and are affiliated with non-profit organisations. In cooperation with planning offices and agroforestry advisors, the foundation provides funding for trees and planting work, while the farms support the planting campaigns with logistics and personnel.
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Environmental education & wilderness tracking

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung’s wilderness tracking project aims to enhance the relationship urban children have with nature by offering playful experiences and specialized educational activities focused on local flora and fauna. Through regular field trips and workshops led by wilderness educators, the project promotes an understanding of complex ecological interrelationships. This lays the foundation for fostering a society that is more sensitive and conscious of nature’s importance.


Reforestation projects/forest protection

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung is actively involved in reforestation projects and forest protection measures worldwide, with a focus on the integration of the local population and the holistic conservation of ecosystems. By combining environmental protection measures with socio-economic aspects, such as the creation of jobs and the production of food, the foundation strives for a sustainable improvement of people’s living conditions and the state of the natural environment.

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Political commitment

Our foundation actively participates in policy discussions and decision-making processes. Our goal is to promote and ensure the protection and conservation of vital ecosystems at the political level. We work to integrate environmental education and sustainable practices into political strategies and legislation. This is to achieve long-term changes and improvements in environmental policy.


Cooperation with WingsCoin - One scan. One good deed.

Lower cleaning costs for hotels and a contribution to the environment through digital cancellation of room cleaning. Benefits arise for all parties involved: Reduction of ongoing costs for hotels; cleaning staff are relieved; water, electricity, CO₂, and chemicals are saved; image boost for hotels; a free drink for sustainable guests, and a donation contribution to environmental protection. Setting up WingsCoin is completely free of charge and the process is completed within a few days.
If interested, contact here: mateja.topic@dsus.eu

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Donations for nature conservation: Preserving nature with the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung is committed to the protection of forests and biodiversity worldwide. With your donation, you can support us in advancing agroforestry projects and providing nature experiences for children and teenagers, for example, through the tree nursery in Cape Verde and the education centre for children.

You are also welcome to transfer money directly to our donation account:

Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN: DE65 4306 0967 1232 7289 01
Purpose: General Donation

Our concepts


Donations for environmental protection: The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung focuses on sustainable projects

Your donations help to advance our work. We use your donations for this purpose:

Agroforestry projects

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung is bringing trees back to the fields. Agroforestry for resilient agriculture and active environmental protection.

Environmental education

Especially in cities, children often lack a connection to nature. Through offerings like wilderness tracking and other projects, we re-establish this connection.

Climate protection

We are committed to projects that actively contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions.

Environmental policy initiatives

We are committed to the protection of forests and biodiversity worldwide. With your donations, we support environmental initiatives that advocate for environmental lawsuits and lobbying in the area of environmental protection.

Our work for nature

Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung: Commitment to global environmental protection

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung in Berlin is passionately committed to global environmental protection. With financial and organisational support, we efficiently promote environmental protection projects from Brandenburg to Peru to make a big impact in a short time.


Trees and fields united: agroforestry as the future of agriculture!

The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung promotes agroforestry as an innovative model for sustainable agriculture. We combine ecology and yield to create a better future for all.


Connection with nature for children and teenagers: wilderness tracking and more

The foundation places great emphasis on environmental education projects in Berlin and other German cities. Projects such as wilderness tracking and the “Moabit Climate and Education Week” help children and young people gain a deeper insight into nature that they often miss in big cities.

Donations go 100% into projects: Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung

Your support is crucial. Even small donations like 20 € can protect 500 square meters of rainforest in the Peru project. You can donate to a specific project or to the foundation in general. Importantly, the donations go directly to the projects, while administration and operations are financed from the foundation’s assets.


Every donation counts: Support the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung in environmental protection

Every tree counts. Invest in the future of our planet and support the work of the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung. Your donation helps us to promote agroforestry projects and protect forests.

Strong partners, strong projects:Partners of the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung

Strong partners are the foundation of our work: We thank all supporters who fight alongside us for environmental protection.

Many thanks to our previous partners!

Commitment begins through contact: How to reach the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung

Whether by email, phone, or contact form, the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung is always available and looks forward to your message.

Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung

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