Environmental education for school classes from Berlin

Every year, the Moabiter Ratschlag e.V., the OTTO playground and some other committed actors organise the Moabit education and action week. This year, the event took place from 30.08. – 03.09.2021, as always, at the OTTO playground. This year’s theme was movement, mobility & health. Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung joined, too, offering a small workshop on the topic of “Bee Knowledge & Bee Pastures”.
Four Berlin school classes visited us as part of the workshop and were able to enhance their knowledge about bees. Our main aim was to convey how important the pollination of plants is for our everyday lives and which foods only exist thanks to bees. In addition, city children are becoming more and more alienated from nature. Many of them have never potted a plant or or know herbs by name. To spark the children’s curiosity, we planted bee-friendly herbs in pots with them. Each child was then allowed to take their own pot home and either snack on the herbs themselves or care for the plant until it blooms for the bees.
With the workshop, we could further environmental education in children. Hopefully, we were able to arouse their sympathy for the important insects, emphasising bees’ importance for our food and nature diversity. Many of us don’t know that pollination is even important for the production of cotton, coffee, medicinal plants and many different spices. So, let’s save the bees!