Agroforestry project on the grounds of Glashüpfer e.V.


Glashüpfer e.V. is the owner of a market garden site in Oberweimar near Marburg. The site contains arable land and greenhouses, which are cultivated organically and regeneratively by the PeterSilie nursery. The association works democratically and in a spirit of solidarity and promotes the ecological, regional and seasonal supply of food. Educational programmes and cultural events are organised on site. Numerous nature conservation measures are also implemented.

The past summers with record heatwaves and enormous drought periods, as well as the ongoing loss of biodiversity on agriculturally used land, finally motivated the creation of different land use systems to counteract climate change and species loss, or at least adapt to climatic changes to some extent. Therefore, since the winter of 2023, an agroforestry system with diverse planting material has been established in two planting phases, including:

  • Pear, table grape, apple, persimmon, hazelnut, poplar, field maple, mountain maple, Norway maple, chestnut, littleleaf linden, largeleaf linden, green alder

The structure of the agroforestry system was developed to suit the location, and the various plants and varieties were chosen with care. For example particular importance was given to fungus-resistant and drought-tolerant cultures. Pollard trees were integrated because they are becoming increasingly rare in the cultural landscape here, even though they offer special habitats for various animal species. Moreover, a mix of native and non-native drought-resistant species was used. The agroforestry system is mainly planted and maintained by members of the association.

Positive effects of the agroforestry system:

  • Improvement of the microclimate
  • Wind protection, shading, and promotion of dew formation
  • Creation of habitats and reproductive areas for birds, vertebrates, and insects
  • Strengthening of biodiversity
  • Complementing the regional food supply

With the support of this project, the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung promotes the transformation of areas in favour of ecological and regenerative agriculture, which strengthens soil fertility, biodiversity, and cooling.

Planting of various trees and hedges
Weimar (Lahn) in Hesse, Germany
Glashüpfer e.V.
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