The Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung at Wilderness Tracking

A grand excursion for the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung team, board, and trustees into the Grunewald – in pleasant weather, we experienced a day full of green adventures under the guidance of our wilderness mentor Rüdiger. The team, board, and trustees met in the Grunewald on 29.06.2022. There we met wilderness mentor Rüdiger, to consciously experience nature with him for an afternoon.

Team der Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung beim Wildnistracking im Grunewald unter Anleitung von Wildnismentor Rüdiger.

A grand excursion for the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung team, board, and trustees into the Grunewald – in pleasant weather, we experienced a day full of green adventures under the guidance of our wilderness mentor Rüdiger. The team, board, and trustees met in the Grunewald on 29.06.2022. There we met wilderness mentor Rüdiger, to consciously experience nature with him for an afternoon.

After the welcoming round with greetings, exchange of expectations, and sensory exercises, we went into the forest, where all participants took a seat. It’s astonishing how the forest comes to life when one sits quietly and motionlessly for half an hour. At the end, there was an attention exercise and a trust exercise in pairs, before all participants shared their thoughts on the past hours, seating in a circle.

We are pleased that on this day all the committees of the Daniel Schlegel Umweltstiftung came together and spent this wonderful day. A day in nature is decelerating and positively impacts the spirit. We all should spend much more time in nature. Because we are convinced of the positive effects, we bring Berlin school classes together with wilderness mentors. This helps to reconnect the children with nature.

Julian Fertl

Julian likes pizza, books, music and playing soccer.
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