Supporting GermanZero: Legislative package to adhere to Paris Agreement

202012_Planting activities_Fundacion Natura

When the representatives of 195 Parties agreed on a climate target at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015, there was great jubilation among the participants. Among other things, man-made global warming is to be limited to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. Since then, what has happened at a political level in Germany to achieve the set goal? The answer is short and disappointing: Too little.

Without the COVID pandemic, Germany would have missed its 2020 climate targets by far. Until now, hardly any policy measures have been taken to ensure achieving the Paris climate goals. In response to the failure of the German government, GermanZero is pushing for a “democracy from below” movement and has taken the inaction of politicians as motivation to draft effective legislation itself. In three steps, the aim is to limit global warming to 1.5°C and achieve climate neutrality in Germany by 2035. The steps are as follows:

  • Development of a climate plan
  • Translation of the measures into a legislative package
  • Handing over the legislative package to politicians for its political implementation

The climate plan was drafted by GermanZero in close collaboration with leading political and environmental experts. Legal experts were involved in drafting the corresponding legislation. The implementation packages concern the seven sectors of energy, industry, transport, buildings and heat, agriculture and use, individual climate plan and international compensation.

Click here to go directly to the contents of the climate plan:

In a strong bottom-up movement, ten-thousands of supporters will bring the climate bill to the attention of members of parliament and candidates for the German Bundestag, presenting them with a simple “yes or no” decision. The Daniel Schlegel Environmental Foundation supports the work of GermanZero with a donation of 20,000 euros, because the time for talking is over and only concrete action will help in the fight against the climate crisis. The three steps to achieve the goals are convincing and promise great effectiveness. We firmly believe that in the course of the election year, political rethinking can be achieved with climate plans, draft laws and great pressure from society – bottom-up.

Disregard of the Paris 1.5°C climate goals
Preparation of a climate plan and legal texts by GermanZero to exert pressure on politics
202012_Planting activities_Fundacion Natura
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